Yet another pseudonym for our favorite invasive

Once the Madison Ave boys kick the campaign into high gear we’ll all be lining up for “Kentucky Tuna.” They’ll have to pull the White Lightning from school lunches, but what child doesn’t gaze adoringly at his Momma when offered a Tuna sand …

The pearly white flesh – complicated by a series of bones – is described as tasting like a cross between scallops and crabmeat by New Orleans chefs working on possible recipes. 

Granny says you can eat it

It’s our old pal the Asian Carp, canned to soften the bones, dipped in sour mash, relish, and mayo, and regurged onto innocent yet fortified Wonderbread.

“We’re trying to break that mindset, because a lot of people are prejudiced against the name ‘carp,’” said Sid Dasgupta, associate professor and principal investigator in the Division of Aquaculture and Environmental Sciences at KSU.

“This fish is not bad at all – it’s excellent.”

Us anglers are the root cause of all that slander, heaping scorn on anything with an inferior mouth or feelers. Innocent civilians are largely unawares of fish feeding habits and lifestyles until they join the throng heaving sandwich slices at the appreciative Golden Horde.

It’s for the same reason dog has fallen from fashion as restaurant fare, you know what it eats – and what it licks afterwards …

They experimented with the catch, smoking filets, canning the fish to soften the bones, and grinding it into fish cakes, croquets and salad.

True validation, and you know it’s coming, is when McDonald’s replaces the Fillet O’ Fish with our Asian interloper – until then all the blind taste tests and Cajun chefs are blowing hot air.

Yessir, no Dolphins were bycatch from our nets, but the sandwiches do jump around some when a Semi goes by …

Tags: Asian Carp, Fillet O’ Fish, Madison Ave spin, Cajun chef, the Wonderbread Hatch

1 thought on “Yet another pseudonym for our favorite invasive

  1. Cabot B.

    Stories like this always surprise me that some pet food company hasn’t started buying these fish by the boat full.

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