I could mention the carbon nanotubes, the helical wrap that ensures they’re the lightest, strongest most awesome ever…
… how they’re dipped in Boron, blessed by the Pope, and Izaak Walton’s ghostly hand crept out of the grave to snatch a pair …
But that’d be bullshit.
Blue, because it’s faster …
More tomorrow.
Tags: Sixth Finger Tungsten, fly tying scissors, testing, blue is faster
Ooooh… I think I’ll want one.
I ordered a pair of these yesterday, will they be this cool blue color?
who cares how they cut, those look awesome! great idea putting your website on them. I saw that on the pair you sent for GFP and thought it was a great idea!
Only the Tungsten inset blades and adjustable screw flavor comes in blue, the regular scissor will retain the gold handle.
Yes, the blue is more expensive – and in limited quantity, more detail in tomorrow’s post.
I have to inspect and test each scissor first.
After the testing proves out when will you take orders for the Tungsten blades? I’d buy two one for myself and one for a friend.
What few I have received will be available after the quality control process. I didn’t get everything yet, just the 4.5″ tungsten. The General Purpose version has not yet arrived, but should be here shortly.
This weekend I’ll mail samples to those that I promised them too (the double-secret Singlebarbed Test Militia) – and will offer the balance of this shipment once I’ve updated the google purchase page.
Hatches magazine received 25 sets as well, other than my meager supply – that will be the only other option.
(Most of the other stores have not seen the Tungsten version, and will be receiving samples to determine what they wish to stock.)
Contact me directly if you’re desperate, but wait until tomorrow’s post where the pricing detail will be released.
Yes. More expensive.
sick, sick, sick!
Does it come with a built in laser cauterizing tool too?
@Roughfisher – your set will, everyone else just wanted the detachable bayonet.
Please, do NOT send me a pair of the beautiful blue scissors. Oh yes, they look great and are sure to function likewise, but the problem would be that I would not be able to see them when dropped into the clear blue waters of the Little Stinking.
Wait…on second thought; do you plan on a floating model with an acid-proof coating?
Hell ya! Can’t wait for a pair, especially the larger size for steelhead flies.
Nice work as always, Keith.
I am all over this! I can’t wait to get my hands on a pair. Awaiting tomorrow’s details…
I’m suprised that you are using super secret alien tech in the manufacturing process of these beautiful tools! And that you are allowed to sell them! Put me on the wait list…really.
Do they come with a decoder ring?
“Way faster now!”
I want, I want!
How do I cut out the middleman?
those do look pretty fast…