Silverfin causes international incident

gefiltefish Eight or nine states, Congress, and now two governments are pissed off over our handling of the Asian carp explosion. Nine containers of frozen Asian carp threaten to undermine Israel’s domestic carp industry, and idle dockside while the two governments wrestle over tariffs.

The dispute centers on a 120 percent import duty imposed by Israel on nine containers of Asian carp fillets that were being shipped from an Illinois fishery to a processing plant that makes gefilte fish.


As the Internet is very much present in Israel, and YouTube shows us shot gunning the SOB’s in midair, the fact that we’re charging anything other than postage is usury.

… that and a dense pattern of steel #8’s probably isn’t Kosher.

I can’t blame the fish farmers at all, knowing there’s a half dozen states that’ll rush to gill nets and depth charges if they could find a valid export partner that’ll take the carcasses.

Tags: Asian carp, gefilte fish, frozen fillet, Israeli tariff, shot gunning fish