We’re moving this evening, new web host

New host, better uptime The next 24-48 hours things may be a little dicey, as Singlebarbed moves from it’s existing web host to a new vendor. This will require a domain name change (DNS) that will have to propagate over to other servers to update the site’s IP address and locale.

What that means in simple terms is that your browser may send you somewhere we aren’t – and the condition will persist until your local address cache or DNS server receives the updated location.

… which is why my posts are few and far between this weekend. We chew fingernail while the Trout Underground ignores spouse, children, and Valentine’s Day – to ensure your access to fly fishing fancy remains inviolate …

Tags: DNS server, IP address, chew fingernails, web host, Liquid Motion

3 thoughts on “We’re moving this evening, new web host

  1. Monty Montana

    K…wish you and Tom the best of luck…went thru something similar a couple of years back. it can be frusterating…my solution tequila.

    Monty Montana

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