Server Crash silences lippy pear shaped author

ServerCrash I call it an enforced vacation, wherein the server dies screaming and the Trout Underground spends the next 48 hours with phone glued to his ear dealing with unrepentant tech support types …

… which I find funny, as I are one …

Apparently most of the data was lost after last Friday, but as most of the posts were forgettable – it’s no great loss. I’ve restored what I can – but we’ve lost all comments and my mail is once again inoperable…

My apologies for the service interruption, but in all things there is a bright spot. TC has a great excuse to avoid shoveling snow, and I get a day or two off to lounge around – versus scrambling frantically trying to find something to amuse you.

Bear with us.

5 thoughts on “Server Crash silences lippy pear shaped author

  1. The Sleepless Underground

    Singlebarbed’s leaving out a key component of the Underground’s Tech Support Saga.

    The server in question has been slowly going south, and the tech support types – unable to figure out why – initially blamed last week’s outage (two hours) on Singlebarbed’s site.

    Fortunately, Singlebarbed was well behaved when the thing finally went south for good (a rare event), though I considered taking punitive action against him on general principle.

    With a migration to a new host looming, it’s likely we’ll see new allegations of impropriety, though hopefully on a faster-performing platform.

  2. Don

    Tom wrote:
    “The server in question has been slowly going south, and the tech support types – unable to figure out why – initially blamed last week’s outage (two hours) on Singlebarbed’s site.”

    Of course they did.

    I’m willing to bet that throughout the years our Singlebarbed has been blamed for a lot of things. Perhaps even one or two things he had nothing to do with.

  3. Igneous Rock

    His comments frequently clip portions from the server safety tape. This “hacking” at the boundries of the traditional safe server environment was certain to introduce Czech bugs.

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