Genetic Dry fly hackle meets the Vegi-Matic

If you’ve ever wondered about the inner workings of the genetic hackle business – how years of careful selection and good genes yields those yard-long saddle hackles and expensive rooster necks – you won’t find any of that here…

Instead, we’ll show you how those lengthy saddles are harvested, and how trained specialists size and select feathers destined for a “100 Pack” – and your tying desk.


It’s clever enough to tenderize the bird while coaxing the hackle gently from the skin, and rivaled only by throwing the bird under a bus.

Tags:chicken plucking, dry fly hackle, Whiting “100 pack”, fly tying materials

5 thoughts on “Genetic Dry fly hackle meets the Vegi-Matic

  1. oatka

    well, that settles it. It was a toss up between chicken nuggets or a cheeseburger for dinner. I’ll get the cheeseburger!

    That machine must be expensive to build which is why the hackle costs so much.

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