launches with a flourish

Fly Addicts logo While the massed regiments of printed media reel about in disarray, the agile “angling Taliban” are up to new, better, bigger, and more…

The checkout counter at Safeway lost three stalwarts in Gourmet, Elegant Bride, and Shotgun Wedding – they’ll no longer glare back at our 12 pack and sack of ice during a pre-dawn departure. Conde Nast has shuttered their doors in recent weeks due to the economics of the dead tree phenom.

On the web, angling offerings are on the upward tick, my blogroll swollen with recent additions, and the debut of yet another online community:

In a nutshell, it’s what you’d get if you crossed an online magazine with a blog network with facebook with craig’s list with ebay with a forum with youtube, etc.  Deep breath.

Alex Cerveniak of 40 Rivers to Freedom and the Will Mullis’ Hatches magazine empire have combined to introduce – a nice mix of blogs, articles, forum, and e-zine.

Like you, the bulk of my lunch hour is spent nursing a tasteless sandwich and a warm Coke – keeping abreast of this surge of online content. Often surprised and rarely disappointed – just what’s needed to combat the onset of Winter sloth.

Tags: Alex Cerveniak, 40 Rivers to Freedom, Will Mullis, Hatches Magazine,, conde nast shutters Gourmet, online angling community