Art or Advertisement

Art or Advertisement Would you date a gal with a chronic drooping backcast?

The Internet holds countless mysteries, and I’ve been scratching my chin on this flavor for some time. Is it art, self expression, Photoshop, or occupational advertisement?

I’d be scared to ask …

Those of you searching for the perfect outdoorswoman can rest assured that mosquitoes won’t be an issue.

… and if PETA climbs all over us for hooking “sea-kittens” – would the “human fly box” stifle their outrage?

Tags: Photoshop, drooping backcast, Mysteries of the Internet, PETA, human fly box

8 thoughts on “Art or Advertisement

  1. Igneous Rock

    I wonder what she’d do with a roll of Velcro?
    More troubling, what do we call this new pattern?

  2. kosel80

    I cant help but think that when I see PETA folks doing this it just proves the point that “pain” and “fear” are very human psychological emotions. Once you are able to mentally block them they are not a problem. Fish on the other hand simply have the natural drive to preserve themselves. I really doubt they feel pain and fear in the same way as an average human. If they did salmon wouldn’t migrate 800 miles to spawn. Just my thoughts.

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