Plight of the Living Dead – George Romero’s ode to Brownliners

The scorn of the fly fishing elite we could shrug off, but brownliners as role model for the latest Zombie flick is applying the boots to our prone form.

It wasn’t the steady persecution nor threat of harm, our numbers were thinned steadily by enraged spouses wielding bars of Ivory Snow. A fellow can only take so many “hose-downs” on his front lawn with neighbors a-titter before he holds his manhood cheap …

It’s proven fact that Mankind cannot survive a Zombie invasion, but us fishermen have always assumed we’d be aligned with the screaming survivors – as Hollywood insists most will be comely high school babes who deserve better than being the entree …

I figured I’d go out like the grizzled old “reptile” that blazes trail for the escapees compliments of a D-9 Caterpillar and a fully loaded fuel truck. He always gets it in the end, but this wise old fellow sacrifices everything knowing that holding a conversation with them gals is worse than living death …

Tags: George Romero, Night of the Living Dead, Zombie menace, Brownliners, zombie fishing, Youtube, teenage girls, shudder