Will the Wooldom conquer our fear of Winter Steelhead?

I get envious when I see a grinning angler holding a yard or more of dripping chrome. I realize he’s still under the influence of all that adrenaline – which makes the grin appear natural…

It isn’t. The poor SOB spent half a day in frozen slush with icy rain trickling down his forearm with each backstroke, his buddies are huddled next to the fire on the sandbar wishing he’d quit so they can get indoors and count their fingers …

The last time I caught a steelhead I had neoprene and It's just a thoughteveryone else didn’t. As they shuffled out of the water to the fire I’d move closer to the best lie. For my suffering I was rewarded with a bonafide hookup and landed a 10 lb buck.

I couldn’t feel my feet as I turned toward the bank and shuffled towards dry land, ignoring all them fellows headed the opposite direction suddenly aware that fish existed in that god forsaken freezer.

On dry land it was worse. I numb-foot it behind a bush and fumble for my better half … to find it had the good sense to hide inside the body cavity…

Gave me a good scare.

I realized Steelhead fishermen were a breed apart, and talk soft when among them. I figure to repay the favor, fellows – you may want to try a Wooldom.

Tags: steelhead, icy river, frozen testes, wooldom,

5 thoughts on “Will the Wooldom conquer our fear of Winter Steelhead?

  1. JK Smith

    The story and the link were OK then I scrolled down on the link! Bit of a shocker, but thanks for the info – I’m more informed now, you’ve done a great public service.

  2. kosel80

    All I really want to know is what kind of messed up internet search brought you and the Wooldom together? On second thought maybe I don’t want to know…

  3. Harry

    I got to the end of yesterday’s post and went-“no way, not even KB could find this somewhere, I must be on the wrong site”. But I looked again this morning and it was still there!

    Like kosel80, I don’t think I want to know how you found the Wooldom. Not sure whether I should be laughing or concerned about your browsing habits.

  4. KBarton10

    Steelhead fishing (and the inclement weather therein) has been burned into my frontal lobe. When your body tells you “you are stupid” – it’s a sobering moment.

    I stumbled on it while surfing for Porn – it was accidental-like .. kinda like my success while fishing.

  5. Don

    Isn’t wool dry clean only?
    Does wool even stretch?

    “Not to use for birth control???”
    I think my chances for reproduction would be nil should a member of the fairer sex spy my member sporting a wooldom, but I could be wrong.

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