Rare three tailed stone fly discovered in Manhattan sewer

Fossil Mayfly? Scientists claim the below fossil to be that of a rare mayfly.

I think they spent a couple hundred grand of their parent’s hard earned cash on beer drinking and frat parties  – more, if they have a Ph.D.

Mayfly, my ass – anyone above the age of six knows that’s a stone fly.

Science. We serve it up so you can hate it all over again.

Tags: fossil insect, mayfly, stonefly, entomology

2 thoughts on “Rare three tailed stone fly discovered in Manhattan sewer

  1. Pete

    i don’t want to diassapoint you, but this certainly isn’t a stonefly nymph. sonefly nymphs have only two abdominal appendages. this fossil has three. it really is a mayfly nymph.
    at least don’t make idiots from people who have the knowledge. 😉

  2. KBarton10 Post author

    It was a joke Pete. The nymph is encased in stone – making it a “stone fly” …

    My sense of humor is always suspect at best, but I run with it just the same.

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