Singlebarbed and Rupert Murdoch, fishing in rarified waters

The fractional cent courtesy of inflation Singlebarbed’s war on inflation naturally extends only to other’s profits. Like Rupert Murdoch, who announced the NewsCorp empire will charge for all online content, we were eager to jump on the bandwagon and fleece our readership with great verve …

While the debate rages as to whether the halcyon days of the Internet are over, mainstream media’s dogged insistence on receiving money for web content may spill over into everything but porn (which already charges). We considered similar actions – but as none of you have ever asked, “a penny for your thoughts” – we assume our average post is worth less than a penny…

… and as Paypal doesn’t charge in fractional cents, you’re all safe – we’ve abandoned our hopes of graduate school punctuation courtesy of Harvard and your shallow pockets.

Tags: Rupert Murdoch, fractional cents, online content, porn, mainstream media, NewsCorp, Paypal, Harvard