My public school system only awarded degrees in Modern Chemistry, now the kids get Angling?

Degree in Timewasting mostly The credential is slowly winkling it’s way into our sport, and I have mixed emotions about the legitimacy that implies..

It was the same when I worked for a large brokerage house (now deceased); I asked the traders what it took to be a stock broker and was surprised how little training was required, “Basically, we offer positions at $1100 per month (1990), and after they take their Series Seven exam they’re brokers – so we turn them loose on their friends and family, and if they ever ask for their salary – we fire them.”

… OK, maybe I’m less surprised after the last six months …

If my kid ever darkened the doorway and announced proudly how he’d chosen to spend the next five years studying angling – he’d taste the boot heel, and as the door slammed behind him he’d hear the tail end of, “Good, start with the Fillet O’ Fish…”

Five years of womanizing and beer drinking I’m expected to pay for – but angling? Screw that …

We’ve got certified casters, certified instructors, and the Certifiable, can we assume there’ll be a “certified angler” shortly?

I’d bet on it.

Vendors have been “endorsing” all manner of anglers for decades, it’s the best way to cement brand loyalty and outfit a new angler from head to toe. A couple days on the lawn and a pancake breakfast on the Battenkill, with little pewter pins tacked on starched olive vests to mark coming-of-age.

That’s neither extreme nor hardcore, so the process will be amended to include rigor, that way we can have gradations of certification akin to military awards – with Oak Leaves, 1st Class, and with Cluster.

… then again it could be Boy Scout badges, where you can drape your accomplishments over your gut, and watch the riffle clear of riffraff at your approach.

The current flavor emphasizes the Big Three; casting, knots, and entomology (flies). Certified “fly fishing schools” all list some variant of the above like an intro to fly tying – or some similar difference. That’s way short of the mark. Angling certification should make you sweat akin to your driver’s test – where you hoped that little squinch-eyed fellow doesn’t ask you to parallel park.

A couple of weeks on etiquette is sorely needed; it’s bad enough the SOB can’t cast – but he’s put down all my fish too..

Toss in a couple of heartstoppers like, “identify which feather is called ‘Greenwell’ ” – have them demonstrate a Bimini Twist, and for graduation we could have them barehand a Ling Cod, replete with those icicle teeth …and we’d be getting somewhere.

Lastly, issue them an identity card with a unique serial number so you could build a database like the Sexual Predators system. Internet based so when you sidled up to your next prospective mate she could find your shortcomings via her cell phone.

… besides, that pick up line was truly awful, now she suspects …

Yep, he’s a certified angler.

7 thoughts on “My public school system only awarded degrees in Modern Chemistry, now the kids get Angling?

  1. oatka

    “Why did they put a guarantee on the box?”

    “Because they know all they sold ya was a guaranteed piece of sh!t. That’s all it is. Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I got spare time.”

    -From Tommy Boy

    I bet Tommy could throw better loops than most certified casters.

  2. Don

    Signed me up! I’ll need a full-ride scholarship and some grant money though. I’m sure I can talk my way into an independent study program where I could “study” abroad as well in the U.S. Of course, I’d plan to get a doctorate, why stop with a masters? Maybe one of the nice folks who frequent this fine establishment can take up a collection so that I can purchase the high-end “laboratory” materials that I’ll require. Oooh, I’m so excited.

  3. KBarton10 Post author

    I’ll settle for a full professorship – spending my summers excavating the Valley of King’s (salmon), or attempting to establish the missing link between salmonids and pterodactyls … making you struggling students buy my all my (comic) books.

  4. KBarton10 Post author

    The “Odor Le Merit” is only awarded in the chemically tainted water – and only then when you’ve shed multiple layers of skin.

  5. The Boot Camp Underground

    Damn! You’ve stolen a march on the Underground’s latest get rich quick educational foray: The Trout Underground’s Fly Fishing Boot Camp.

    Every morning the Underground’s campers will awaken to the sound of their very own drill instructor screaming “Maggot! You want to sleep all morning? Now get out of that cot, drop and give me twenty roll casts! Move!”

    It gets worse on Hell Day, but I’m not going to reveal any more of my rather brilliant instructional techniqes.

    At least when you graduate from my money making machine boot camp, you’ll know that certification stands for something.

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