Anyone recognize these hindquarters?

All I know is I’m missing a double fistful of dry flies …

Anyone recognize these hindquarters?

I made it back from the woods with all my tungsten intact, but the dry fly box had some conspicuous holes in it – with the only clue being directions to a party I’d never heard of … and scrawled in crayon across the fly leaf was the single word, “thanks.”

(I think TC meant to link to the trip narration, above.)

7 thoughts on “Anyone recognize these hindquarters?

  1. Sully

    No idea.
    But from the profile he looks like one of those inflatable bounce-back punching toys. You know- the ones with all the ballast on the bottom.

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  3. Hollowbuilt

    “Shapely buttocks” !!!!!! Where did THAT come from?? England conquered the entire WORLD and never used that line! No where, no time. No one. Ever. Wear a pith helmet, drink all the gin in the world, and never, never would you utter those words.


    And I am going fishing with you? With Sully? So…who retrieves those double fistfulls of dry flies? Not me. Sounds like a gov’ment job, Sully…..

    Shapely buttucks, indeed!

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