Chesterfield’s, Marlboro’s or Doublemint gum, Sir?

That's a laundry hamper belted to his waist I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from the Old Girl – but with visiting dignitaries from the Greater Bay Area, I was hoping she wouldn’t simply disgorge undergarments and turn the evening into a lingerie-fest.

Being known as a Brownliner has its downside, typically it’s in the middle of the Pristine speech, where you’re recounting all the bright spots in neighboring flora and fauna, water clarity, leashed pets, and tidy beaches – and then a corpse floats past…

That’s when the Bronx Cheer and catcalls start, intermingled with, ” you drug us all the way up here to fish in …”

But the mighty Underwear River was on good behavior, and we only snagged three gym socks – which gave a good account of themselves before being flung in the general direction of the beach.

I hosted Brothers Eberle; SMJ – who recently confessed to being the elder, so I’m only talking to him via the comments section – and younger sibling Jeff – whom I falsely accused of fly stealing, pilfering, and worse.

…  and while I’m busy extolling the virtues of clean living and cleaner water, I bury a “carrot” fly just behind the dorsal of a Sacramento Sucker – a decently large specimen whom I’m now obligated to tow sideways up the river – while he does his best to do likewise with me.

It must’ve been the Kashi Bar chilling in the vest pocket – it’s a chum line into the heart of anything with an inferior mouth, like Tarzan yelling “Kree-gah” and the forest erupting with a herd of Pachyderms willing to stomp grass huts and wide eyed tribesmen alike..

SMJ had never been “kissed” by a Shad, and heretofore the Underwear hadn’t seen fit to show him anything but the cold shoulder. As luck would have it – careful scouring of the river bottom yielded every tree limb ever dipped in cold current, and some fish – real ones, chrome bright hellfighters …

Jeff Eberle with a nice female shad

I kept thinking SMJ was the “cigarette girl” as he’d lashed a laundry hamper to his waist hoping to cash in on all the free underwear I’d bragged about – and like everything else I’d promised – even the underwear were a disappointment.

I half expected him to enquire “Cohiba, Beef Jerky, or Marlboro’s, Sir?” – but he was intent on fishing and reluctant to share precious angling resources. I did manage to find a token Kashi bar to add to his larder – bursting with soy-goodness it would have been a musical footnote to the drive home.

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5 thoughts on “Chesterfield’s, Marlboro’s or Doublemint gum, Sir?

  1. SMJ

    Thanks again for hosting my younger brother and me. We had a great time.

    I might take another drive up that way this Saturday – still looking for something in a size 32 that’ll match the socks I caught. Let me know (via the comments section) if you’re free. Now that I own a Kashi bar I’m anxious to try that chum line technique.

    A note to your readers: the reason Singlebarbed only managed to take two crappy out-of-focus pictures is because he was too busy catching all the fish. He was planted like an oak right in front of the bucket, reeling in one after another, and never moved till the sun went down. When he foul-hooked the sucker, I yelled “You better walk that thing in before it snaps your rod.” He knew I didn’t give a rat’s ass about his rod, and that what I really wanted was to steal his spot. Somehow he managed to bring the fish in and release it without breaking his rod or moving more than an inch in any one direction. Once he’d done all that, he went right back to catching more shad and spent the rest of the evening complaining about how his wrist was sore.

    Imagine my sympathy.

  2. KBarton10

    I’ll be out there Saturday, give me a jingle and we’ll meet up.

    I caught a sucker and an updraft only, these Big City fellows left nothing in their wake but cigar ashes and recovered tree limbs.

  3. SMJ

    As much as I’d like to take credit for your poor showing, I suspect that whoever dropped the flows by 1,000 CFS is more deserving. If next time you’re out there you see any flies stuck to newly exposed tree branches, they’re mine.

  4. Man Teka

    Amusing, but not very helpful info. What river and where were you fishing this weekend?

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