Brownliner decor makes you recession proof?

I probably should’ve held off until next week to give it that “lived-in” look; coffee spills, discarded beer bottles, Simm’s pinups, and greasy wrappers from lunch – but I was too giddy to play coy.

 The Brownliner Office, sans red stapler

The “before” is eloquence for us muddy cubicle warriors, yellow caution tape accent, paramilitary camo wall coverings, and the piece de resistance – a digital calendar that displays date and time in hexadecimal.

What’s not shown is the matching camo smock rendering the wearer invisible, proof against Boss’s that dole out a weekend assignment on a sunny Friday, and causes the lurking “Candy Dish Phantom” to crap himself as he reaches for your lunch – or the occasional leftover donut…

In the lofty echelons of the corporate world it’s important to announce yourself with authority. Fancy suits and expensive aftershave are as commonplace as McDonald’s – and when management strides the corridor looking for slackers to meet their downsize quota, you’ll be the last to go – as the hushed whispers of the Personnel analyst concur, “there’s gotta be an assault rifle in there somewhere’s.”

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