The Trip of a lifetime is how Much?

It's a Dead Zone ... It’s one of those conveniences we forget in our rush to make the plane. Months of careful planning, itinerary, careful scrimping to get just the right package for a once in a lifetime fishing adventure…

… and the post-trip bill arrives from your cell phone company to the tune of $24,000?

I suppose that password feature that was never set would have saved the day, and us fellows prone to “butt dialing” enable that lifesaver at the first opportunity.

The “911” operators in my area have an APB out for both “Gluteus” and “Maximus,” – and if I get in a wreck I think I’ll opt to bleed to death.

As this Canadian fellow discovered, Ma Bell is less than sympathetic when a cell phone is lost or stolen. It’s just one more thing to consider in addition to avoiding the water.