They apparently don’t mind snorting Mayflies

They probably have an early retirement The survey says, “Hydroelectric workers exposed to massive amounts of Caddis hate ’em.” Without additional facts I can only conclude that they must be talking about caddis parts, rather than the flies themselves.

A cross sectional survey was conducted in a hydroelectric power plant in which the workforce was exposed to large numbers of caddis flies. About 50% of the participants reported work related eye, nose, and sinus symptoms and wheezing.

Most of us have been exposed to the intact bug, and other than an occasional wiggle caused by their disappearance down a butt crack or shirt front, I’ve never heard complaint.

Take a cloud of caddis, inhale it into a pipe headed towards the turbines, mash the resultant brew against concrete and spinning impellers, and inhale the result?

Added to the proof positive, Salmon incur brain damage if they smack the dam, fish ladder, impeller blades, and anything else more permanent than they are – and it’s unanimous.

Dams, nobody wants ’em.