Tore it from his daughter’s fingers no less

Reading between the lines suggested somebody was still paying for the crime. Singlebarbed reader RDT sent me a traditional gauntlet, a double-dawg-dare-you note describing his wrenching the yarn from an unsuspecting innocent..

I was finishing up the Golden Mutt post while staring at it and scratching my head. It’s a ribbon yarn in “clownshoe” colors, sturdy and about 1/2″ wide.

Six or seven things leapt to mind, but I had the stonefly materials at hand and whomped together something…

I'd call it a Scarab from the Mummy's Tomb

It’s one continuous strip of ribbon laid over the back and folded three times to make the wingcases – Lord knows it’s a garish looking scarabĀ  monster, just ugly enough for a steelhead to take exception to its presence.

I’ll give it more thought, I just wanted RDT to know he was going to have to dig deeper to get me to blanch.

After 20 years of enforced servitude tying little drab things by the gross for fly shops, this is dessert. It’s in my fly box for the next outing, once the rain lets up we’ll see what carnage ensues.

The yarn is called “Incredible” from Lion Yarn Co., and both the “Autumn Leaves” and “Copper Penny” colors look enticing. Thanks much, RDT – we’ll fiddle with it and see what else we can make.

2 thoughts on “Tore it from his daughter’s fingers no less

  1. rdt

    Tis indeed a “Garish looking scarab Monster,”and just the thing to which a very large indignant Steelhead might take exception. Also looks like something one of them might try and steal from you.
    Congrats on winning the 2009 award. When you thank your Mom and Dad, send my fond regards.
    Told my wee daughter to keep a look out for materials of that ilk, and save them for further proper usage.

  2. KBarton10

    It’s a stout yarn which may lend itself to some odd uses for trout flies. I’ve burned a set of mayfly wings for a Green Drake – and am abuse testing them to see how they hold up.

    As the yarn doesn’t unravel much it may prove quite useful in concert with an earthy color palette.

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