The Slaw Dog, an hour later and you’re hungry again

It’s plain that a food mascot is needed for any claim of blog legitimacy. Like pets it has to reflect the unique nature of the author, and the community it serves.

The Trout Underground has been serving us a steady diet of elitist Slaw Dog fare, typical Blueliner meal for one, isolationist … unwilling to share the dog or the riffle he’s occupying.

If he were to catch something, he probably would be mum on the pattern too.

Brownline chow is social, we’re unaccustomed to company and pleased to share our tucker. We don’t count slices, servings, calories, or fish – and care less which hand does the reaching. We don’t supply napkins as we make food spatter look good. We’re hearty fellows; a smile and a wave – and you’re welcome to share our fire anytime.

The Sandwich of Entomology 

Like our water, our food sticks to you – a lasting permanent memory ensuring you’re writhing in pain on the water should the hatch come early or late.

The Sandwich of Entomology; The bottom tier contains eight strips of bacon, six sausages and four burger paddies; followed by a second tier of black pudding; topped by a third tier comprised of two diced chicken breasts and six fried eggs.

If you can’t handle it, set it adrift – the fellow downstream will be pleased to finish what you started.

If we’re expecting company, we’ll select fodder that responds well to radiant heat.

 The Colonic Wheel O' Death

The Colonic Wheel O’ Death fits roughly in the large rear vest pocket; two extra large meat pizzas draped over 6 pounds of hamburger, eggs, bacon, Colby and Pepper Jack cheese.

Sure, we’re a little light on the veggies, limp lettuce is poor fuel for a day fighting icy currents and slinging bead heads, for that you need fiber.

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17 thoughts on “The Slaw Dog, an hour later and you’re hungry again

  1. SMJ

    These are culinary masterpieces. Now I know what to serve you on our next trip.

    I’ve only two requests: that you stay downwind of me while that works its way through your gut, and that you carry the defillibrator and the Costco-sized case of toilet paper you’re going to need when the inevitable happens. I’ve enough crap in my vest as it is.

  2. Trout Underground

    Brownline chow is only “social” in the sense that it’s freely and widely shared among those streamside – at least in the malodorous, effluent sense.

    As for the need for a pet to rocket to blog stardom, you use what you got, and if what you’ve got is a mutant, eight-legged alligator that was flushed by junior two decades ago, then it’s best to keep mum.

  3. Jean-Paul Lipton

    hmmmm. I thought with your recent post of the looming apocalypse that you would choose a shelf sturdy staple like spam that could survive nuclear holocaust.

    I’ll dub Hormel chili the official canned good of the roughfisher nation. It’s hearty, comes in a nearly indestructible tin container, made instate so I’m supporting the local economy, provides chemical warfare cover fire, and best off all, I won’t need any toilet paper after I’m done eating it.

  4. Windknot

    Very appropriate “Brownlining” food/mascot choices, as that is the term that will describe the inside of your waders after a streamside snack.

    There is something inherently wrong with combining chicken and eggs in the same dish.

  5. DSFlyman

    Looking at those pictures reminds me of an Oki Dog. A late night Los Angeles heart attack in a tortilla.

    You start with one over sized tortilla and you add 2 hotdogs, pastrami, chili and cheese.

    While you are eating it (often not in your right mind), it seems like a good idea. An hour later you are reminded of how wrong you were.

  6. kbarton10

    As the squeals of protest only revolved around “how do I eat that” – I’d say we’re dealing with overweight outdoorsmen.

    The Zingers are a snack – Hershey bars to follow.

  7. Harry

    Well KB, I passed your latest culinary achievements around the office this morning and they came to a quick conclusion.

    “The poor sick SOB that came up with these things needs professional help-asap”

    I obviously work with a bunch of wimps or maybe they are just culinary snobs.

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