Fishing gets a makeover

I’m assuming the desire to rename fishing to “sea kitten hunting” makes for better mental imagery; enormous weapons toted by laughing killers intent on bloodshed is much more menacing and dangerous than a fellow armed with rod, lawn chair, and cooler.

I think “harvesting” vegetables is a trifle mild myself, and “decapitation” or “maiming” conveys a better picture. Grinning swarthy field hands lopping off arms and legs, ignoring the screams of immobile creatures bent on photosynthesis.

We’ve got killers, they’ve got killers. We club baby seal’s and they kill adolescent asparagus, I figured we were well matched – only our killers are licensed …

The banned PETA Superbowl ad that was never telecast … at least we don’t torture our food or the folks watching … More importantly, we don’t SCREW our prey, we leave that to real deviants further down the food chain.

2 thoughts on “Fishing gets a makeover

  1. DSFlyman

    Yeah, maybe we don’t go far enough – we should all become necro-vegiacs; Eat nothing but fruit, but only fruit that has already dropped from the tree (you know, so as not to present any undue trauma to the fruit).

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