Free Willy IV – Willy starves to death and becomes odiferous mass on Southern California beach

willy The Sacramento Bee reports the National Marine Fisheries Service has compiled a draft “biological opinion” that may compel the California Department of Water Resources and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to change reservoir operations, improve river habitat and divert less water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

The 2004 version had a similar finding and was altered by the Bush administration to show fish would not be imperiled by existing operations, and were sued successfully by environmental groups.

The judge insisted that Interior department officials had violated the Endangered Species act by modifying the report.

Fishery biologists assert that the current system, whose emphasis is on water for people, does not provide enough cold water for spawning habitat in the Sacramento river. Climate change and increased population will magnify the effect.

It’s so bad that Killer whale’s are being added to the list of impacted species, due to the absence of Pacific salmon.

The report is scheduled for public release, March 2nd – with North-South fireworks to commence shortly thereafter.

1 thought on “Free Willy IV – Willy starves to death and becomes odiferous mass on Southern California beach

  1. Igneous Rock

    Fishery biologists assert, Economists agree, Medical Professionals proclaim, Judges insist and we got T.A.R.P.: the Temporary Asset Realocation Plan. Now we can look forward to C.R.A.P.: Credit Relief Alternative Plan. So you want me to feel warm fuzzies about some friggen fish? Christ man…your throwin hooks at em!

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