Glampers and the 201K, reborn as Crampers

Leave it to some canny fellow from California to come up with a solution for the entire housing crisis using just “budget dust” from the TARP funds.

On the road again

This ushers in the age of “Jingle Mail“, sending the keys of your massively leveraged home to the mortgage company – along with some carefully chosen prose describing what they can do with it.

The Big Three automakers specialize in large, roomy SUV’s with indoor television and all the comforts of home. Your credit rating remains intact while the letter’s enroute, score a couple and make for the open highway.

Become an economic patriot…

“Glamping” died with Bernie Madoff, welcome to “Cramping” and the airy lifestyle of the modern American nomad.

The schools in Idaho and Montana are pretty good …

3 thoughts on “Glampers and the 201K, reborn as Crampers

  1. KBarton10 Post author

    Leave it to another fellow from California to come up with the Final Solution.

    Little wonder the rest of the country looks at us in awe and wonderment.

    Oh, that ain’t a good thing.

  2. Yomama

    Don’t forget to advise your readers that with the plummeting prices of oil and gas, you simply can’t afford to stay home – even if you had one.

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