My only concern is when food is dispensed from an aerosol can

Now with more GirlsSure your house is only worth half what it once was – but is it Salmon Safe? In my case I’d say “no” – based on how quickly I vacuumed that last carcass and the contented belly that resulted.

Salmon Safe refers to a Puget Sound organization that assists developers and land owners to adopt “salmon safe” environmental practices to ensure the effect of runoff and new construction has little impact to waterways.

It’s not all stern looks and clipboards, as Salmon Safe ensures microbreweries and wineries adopt similar guidelines. While the computer-beer makers fight over “tastes-great-less-filling” – we can take the moral high ground as we chug real hops and fling bottles into the river …

… they’re salmon safe too, right?

I see this type of “eco-consulting” as one of the next great business models. We’re not allowed to lower the population, and insist on roto-tilling all the remaining open space; if we expect to eat something more than “Soylent Green” – our needs will have to get modified enough to allow something else to prosper.

Briefly. Prosper. Until we stomp life out of it and smear on a cracker.