Yes, but it’ll be a hearty welcoming mucous filled handshake

It makes me wonder how many world record fish I’ve caught and released unknowingly. I’d guess it’s linked to the concept of “life list” – all the species you’ve ever caught fishing by intent or accident.

She set a world record in the 2-pound tippet category by catching a 2-pound, 6-ounce bonefish while fly fishing July 27 off Andros Island in the Bahamas.

We’re used to a certain margin of safety on tippet sizes, often we’ve got at least a 2 to 1 advantage based on weight, yet all of us have been lucky or surprised by a big fish, or were caught with too small a tippet by a medium sized fish – and were evenly matched.

Figuring all the popular fish like trout, salmon, and steelhead, are out of our reach, that leaves about 99% of the world’s fish where catching a 2lb fish on 2lb test gets you an olive wreath …

I figured the IGFA as playing to the “glamour” trade; ascots, white deck shoes, dinners with fine china and guest speakers, not the crowd we rub shoulders with while idling a battered truck at the drive-thru window.

In fact, I’m almost sure the effete crowd is running things, you can’t even look up the IGFA records without being a member.

…and that suits me fine, when the “Commodore” gives me that haughty stare as I stand there with some flaccid, dripping, caustic brownwater fish – who proceeds to burp up a tampon on his dress slacks, we’ll be sure to give him a hearty back slap and a mucous filled hand shake.

The world record Sacramento Pikeminnow (according to the IGFA) is 6lb 15 ounces, which surprises me considerably, as I’ve caught fish nearly this heavy already. Likely I was using 3x or 4x tippet – but now that the flashbulbs are popping and the Commodore has finished rinsing off, it was most definitely 2 lb test …

I saw no entry for Sacramento Sucker so if any of you hardened adventurer’s want a shot at a world record, I’ll be happy to show you where they sleep at night.

… they glow, it’s a cinch.

The original article gave me a bit of pause

Forszpaniak said she has been fishing for two years. Her husband instructed her on her fly fishing technique when they practiced at area beaches.

What husband hands his wife a bonefish rod with only a 2lb tippet? I figure it must’ve been a senior ranking IGFA official who was scared his wife was going to outfish him. I’m not the only thing that smells to high heaven…

4 thoughts on “Yes, but it’ll be a hearty welcoming mucous filled handshake

  1. Jean-Paul Lipton

    I love how that Boga grip is tearing off that fish’s face.

    IMO, If someone is fishing just because they’re looking to break the next IGFA record for [insert fish species name here], then they’re fishing for an entirely different reason than I am. Peace.

  2. KBarton10 Post author

    I was thinking along the lines of an accidental IGFA record – where you thump some species unintentionally and submit the 6 ounce carcass for consideration.

    There’s got to be thousands of minnows that have never been entered into their record book – even common species like Goldfish…

    I think it would be kind of funny to submit a request – akin to owning the Guiness Book of World Records for “longest burp” …

  3. jonathan potter

    this information is slightly disappointing considering that my little brother caught a seven pound pikeminnow earlier this evening while fishing for pike

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