I just need an Oral Surgeon with a sense of humor

Nothing a little floss couldn't fix Face it, we’re in the wrong line of work.

Your parent’s tried to steer you down the path; the prestige of having M.D or D.D.S on a business card, white lab coats and fawning assistants – but no, we cut class, smoked cigarettes and took the gentlemen’s path through all that heady coursework.

For me an “offsite” meeting describes some feel-good séance where I struggle to remain awake. Lead by some Armani-clad charismatic that berates me for my archaic notions of work ethic, chastises me for not employing [insert cutting edge acronym here] management style, and shudders at the thought I don’t coddle my peers or provide milk and cookies..

I tolerate the initial barrage, knowing I can get an uninterrupted nap when I point out that GM and AIG used whatever philosophy is being peddled – and a fat lot of good it did them.

They usually stop calling on me after that.

If I’d stuck to the straight and narrow – I could’ve cut quite the figure in a white lab coat, and all my seminars would’ve involved a float plane and a vendor picking up the tab…

Streamside Seminars LLC is an organization dedicated to presenting a quality dental/medical educational experience in a beautiful fishing environment.

Our destination seminars include places where mother nature has done some of her best work.

… so you can take a big dull hook and rearrange all that symmetry, gasp at the damage –  run back to the Lodge and pull the oral surgeon out of the bar so’s he can test that new root canal auger?

That sounds kind of sweet – and figuring you’ll eventually find a prankster of like mind, you can throw a set of crowns on a big Brown, and scare hell out of next week’s guests.

Esthetics Without Compromise
This course presents an opportunity for in-depth analysis of the esthetic needs of your patient, the science behind vital tooth esthetics and chair-side time considerations.

The trip is $5000 and the fee for the course $200, the classic boondoggle wherein some leggy pharma-representative hawks the benefits of a pricey procedure to guys intent on breakfast so they can be first in line for the boats that don’t leak.

Still sounds a helluva lot better than a high pitched lecture from a scented Marshmallow.

4 thoughts on “I just need an Oral Surgeon with a sense of humor

  1. A. Wannabe Travelwriter

    I know a doc from northeast California that goes with his medical staff every winter to a medical conference at Mammoth Mountain Ski Resort.

    I guess that’s o.k. if your problem is with your short-radius parallel turn on tight moguls and not a fractured radius bone on your right forearm.

  2. Curly

    Was wondering about the clam fly… And now you have spilled the beans with the photo.

    And we know that the Little Stinking has become saline to the point that it now hosts a decent run of tautog.

    Nice fish.

  3. Katty, Oral Surgeon

    Oral surgeon with a sense of humor? An oxymoron? Seriously, though, we really shouldn’t take each other too seriously. [What did I just say?] And a fishing trip sounds good, but a new [xxxxx] management technique sounds definitely like NO fun. Katty

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