The Dry Fly is beloved of Green Energy

We always get the bad rap This alternative energy thing may have gone a bit too far, am I supposed to keep a butane lighter nearby and cremate all the flies I don’t want?

In today’s competitive marketplace for electrical power, utilities must optimize the use of their capital resources while continually providing system improvements. One way to do both of these is to convert an existing wet fly ash handling system to a dry fly ash handling system. This conversion replaces the large cost and real estate associated with maintaining an ash pond with a dry fly ash storage silo.

I tie more nymphs than dry flies and can only assume that all the lead is removed via the handling system –  but is some canny entrepreneur running a chipper-shredder on the limbs overhanging our favorite stretches of river, and can I file on the energy rights?

The Coal industry and fly fishing share some terms in common, a bit confusing, “dry fly ash” is why you don’t want a coal-fired anything next door. Apparently “dry fly ash” can be sold to fertilizer and cement makers, and “wet fly ash” is landfill. 

Different industry, different science, and the “Dry Fly Guys” still go home with the Prom Queen. I guess we’ll have to settle for all the big fish …

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