21000 feet is a half dozen depleted uranium splitshot and some lead wire

The concept of “life lists” has always intrigued me – an angler notes all the species he’s caught throughout his career, removes all his former girlfriends and the result is his angling legacy.

There’s no such thing as a “bad” list, lots of species implies well traveled, and few species means thorough – neither counts volume or gross weight.

Like all edifices this one is crumbling as well, with numerous vitriolic threads on the fishing boards alternately exalting or scoffing at some poor fellows achievements or imagination.

In an attempt to restore harmony, I’d suggest “the Superbowl of fishes” is necessary to eliminate hecklers, not the Great White Shark (too many of the boards have claimants that landed it on a 5 weight), but rather the Snailfish…


You’ll have to explain it to them, especially the part about using Iranian centrifuges to make an enhanced Tungsten conehead, capable of sinking at 400 yards a second – these fish hang deep, about 5 miles worth..

5 thoughts on “21000 feet is a half dozen depleted uranium splitshot and some lead wire

  1. kbarton10

    I have a prototype but can’t get it through airport security. I have had a number of free colon examinations courtesy of Homeland Security, so I may have to rethink all this.

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