You may want to rethink putting an antisocial fellow in charge

Where ist meine Dry Flies Every military entity has it’s elite shock troops – those fellows with polished braid, erect bearing, and starched berets. Sometimes they represent the best in us and sometimes the worst, depending on their leadership…

Bite Back magazine – a glossy rag appealing to the radical fringe of the anti-meat, anti-fur, crowd, lists among it’s victories the defacement and destruction of the Bank House Fly Fishery, a fly fishing club in Lancashire, England.

“On Monday 22nd members of the angling retribution squad visited bank house fly fisherie in caton lancaster uk. We ripped down competion pictures and generally made a mess of their little club house of death. Before leaving we trashed 3 windows including a big glass door. We want to make it clear this is just the start of our campaign and unless bank house fly fisherie stops the slaughter of innocent life for their perverted pleasure we will return and things will be taken to the next level. The choice is yours. Angling Retribution Squad

It begs the question, if fly fishing were to have elite shock troops – what great blow would they strike, and what would be the entry requirements?

Ski masks and AK47’s are old news, courtesy of Patty Hearst and the Symbionese Liberation Army, and a catchy name would help to strike mortal terror in the hearts and minds of the populace…

It’s a cinch some dimwit would suggest emptying bloody Cul de Canard feathers on the steps of Congress, but all the fly tyer’s in the group would either boycott the attack – or scoop what they could carry. An easy trail to follow with some fellow running down the street and a feather blizzard in his wake.

A scrawled note from the Nymphal Freedom Deliverance Army would have great effect, but once they found out it wasn’t porn, most of the leaflets would line canary cages.

I think if I had the opportunity to be the “Oberleutnant Sturmfuhrer” of the NFDA, I might suggest adding six or seven additional chromosomes to triploid fish, hoping to make them “grab-oid’s”. It’s self serving and anti-revolutionary, but then I’m not so sure I wouldn’t “drop dime” on my compatriots just to have the river to myself.

2 thoughts on “You may want to rethink putting an antisocial fellow in charge

  1. Jean-Paul Lipton

    you really think that those eco-terrorists would wade the brown water in search of a roughfisher? It’s all about shock value to them, and since no one really seems to care about “roughfish”, carp wouldn’t likely be a target here in the states. Look out trout, panfish, and bass anglers.

    See, there is some benefit to being a brownliner.

  2. kbarton10

    It’s certain our clubhouse wouldn’t have much in the way of eye candy, certainly no glass doors and trophies..

    A freeway overpass is enough to keep the worst of the rain out, stuff some newspapers in your waders if you need additional warmth.

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