Live Bacon excretions prove fatal to Mayflies

The nymphal form of Bacon Based on my own experiences I’ve often wondered how long it’d be until somebody sued someone over farm effluent.

Considering that potable water supplies are a finite resource coveted by land developers and big cities alike, “that little brown creek” will be worth something to someone soon. Environmentalists and fishermen don’t count – they’re the fringe electorate whose predictable foaming of the mouth can be dismissed out of hand…

A PIG farm which polluted a stream with waste so badly that nothing could live in the water other than fungus and worms has been ordered to pay out almost £7,000 by a Suffolk court.

I found myself asking whether I was fungus or the worm ..

With the well documented illnesses spread by farm produce, and unfiltered pumping for irrigation, it also wouldn’t surprise me that some of these outbreaks weren’t caused by surface water – crapped in by all manner of agriculture, warmed to a lethal temperature, and then sprinkled into your evening meal as spinach, tomatoes, or bell peppers.

The thought of my unsavory boots tromping through your side salad should send an average person screaming in terror – fortunately you’re made of sterner stuff, or only eat meat n’ taters..

2 thoughts on “Live Bacon excretions prove fatal to Mayflies

  1. Jeffrey Prest

    Love the bit about the £15 ‘victim surcharge’. How can you say ‘Environmentalists and fishermen don’t count’ in the face of compassion such as this…?

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