On rare occasion we adopt Blueliner ritual without modification

I have to blame Tamanawis for my dilemma. I keep reading Mike’s Scottish fly fishing stories featuring grey skies, fish, and a variety of single malts. Their names sound harsh, with multiple “och” and “agh” syllables – and only a Scotsman can pronounce them so they sound buttery and delightful. 

My hydration pack debuts tomorrow, and while water sounds good – a quart of 15 year old Dalwhinnie sounds a hell of a lot better.

Nope, I’m not suddenly putting on airs – it’s the only bottle of good hooch my older bro hasn’t found and drankled yet, it’s tiring to check the liquor cabinet and finding my choice of aged Sterno or dusty Vanilla extract …

Besides ships are christened, and while new that plasticine bladder has to be unsanitary – requiring a liberal dose of medicinal spirits. At least that’s what I’ll claim when I wake up.

I saw a triple-filtered water bottle with handy squeeze action this weekend, used with the comment, “… it has an Iodine filter, kinda tastes like Scotch.” While it may filter living stuff down to 3 microns – the heavy metals and Metam Sodium, coupled with every other farm chemical has me a bit skeptical.

Tastes like Scotch has merit, and there’s less risk in insisting my new water system tastes like good scotch instead, no?

Slàinte mhòr agad!

10 thoughts on “On rare occasion we adopt Blueliner ritual without modification

  1. Michael

    The finest way to disinfect your brown-water pump too. Or, you can toss the pump, drink the water straight-up, and wash it down with the single malt.

  2. SMJ

    I can’t recall seeing such a fine bottle on our trip, but it explains why you kept getting up to “excuse yourself.” I’m left on the porch drinking cheap swill, while you’re secretly filling your plastic ice cream cup with the good stuff.

    By the way, a lovely rash of poison oak has recently bloomed on my left arm, hand, face, and ears. I’ve been banished to the couch until it clears up. I hope you haven’t suffered a similar fate.

    Finally, congratulations on the CA FF article. I received my copy yesterday, and am looking forward to reading it this weekend.

  3. KBarton10

    Jean Paul: Nope, just a maudlin drunk.

    Michael: I thought you downed the scotch – ensuring all pertinent passageways were lined with goody – then sucked down the water? Am I doing this wrong?

    SMJ: Negative, I have “immunity” from Poison Oak – I got it bad as a kid and have never had a problem since. I guess you’re seated on a 5 gallon bucket under the plastic quarantine hood.

  4. Igneous Rock

    Dear Brother:
    The ice in the pack works wonderfully well, lasting longer than you might expect. I’ve used ice many times in my own pack but dont expect it to cool you. I also use lemon juice in the water so I don’t taste plastic bladder. Scotch…Umm,you better let me taste that first.

  5. KBarton10 Post author

    I would but you have to promise not to drink from the jug this time.

    (Little Brother Refrain) .. and if you don’t, I’m telling MA …

  6. mike

    Hmm….Dalwhinnie, a fine choice.. mmm… Highland peatiness with a sweet edge. Lovely. While you’re in that taste region, don’t miss out on the Balvenie, another highland cracker.

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