… and a plague shall be upon thee

Brownliner\'s BountyLiving inĀ one of the world’s great breadbaskets means an errant cast may bring great reward. Like Jed Clampett’s errant squirrel shot yielding “Texas Tea,” – I draped a backcast into the best part of a Hershey bar.

Last weekend was spent plying the clean water, and chores were dormant, so I didn’t have the opportunity for straying too far afield. The Little Stinking provided little action Sunday morning but did yield a bonanza of free food.

Selenium Almonds are one of the fringe benefits of tromping the path less traveled, I figure the root system filters anything meaner than I am – leaving just the tame byproducts like Estrogen and crankcase oil for the fruit.

I’ve got 10 trees within a single backcast, all wild and this year’s crop is a humdinger. Plunking a 10lb sack of these on the kitchen table goes a lot farther than a dead fish, so I’ll lump this into the successful outing category.

More confirmation that Brownliners are an invasive species, we’re locusts Babe .. adapt, evolve, and pillage.

3 thoughts on “… and a plague shall be upon thee

  1. Tom Sorenson

    I went fishing with the wife the other day and didn’t do much in the way of catching a ton of fish, but the wife picked blackberries for about three hours – I’m definitely reaping the benefits of that now. Blackberry jam, blackberry syrup, blackberry cobbler – I’ve got to take her fishing more often.

  2. flyfishingcolorado


    Hey KB, all I got in Colorado is wild raspberries my last time out. And a few small bows and browns from my favorite little stream.

    You need a genetically enhanced pollution control engineer to turn loose on your Little Stinking.


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