Waders, Rod, Reels, flies, check .. foundation?

Cowboy up dammit, I don't want to hear you complaining about chaffing At least they’ve published a guide for guys to get them on without tearing them, from the angler’s perspective – that’s a start.

Back in the day, when the defacto wader was Seal Dri’s, I remember my buddies coyly hiding behind the truck as they donned pantyhose. It was unsettling, but layers were the only thing that allowed you to stand in icy water more than 20 minutes; pantyhose, followed by thermals, then pants, then those thin latex waders.

I was lucky enough not to have to grapple with transgender, as my brother had equipped us with O’Neil neoprene drysuits.

I figure this is where them 5% of anglers we lost over the last decade went, not sure whether they’re smarter than us or merely made of sugar, but I could embrace “manscara”eyeliner and “mancake” foundation – if they had a DEET base, and an SPF of 15 or greater.

If it repelled mosquitos and protected me from the elements, with a fitting that attached to my float tube pump, so I could apply mass quantities to large fleshy sensitive areas, why wouldn’t we embrace the change?

It may alter the parking lot ritual a dab, but so long as we can skip deodorant, we’d be happy, right?

For them as are not from California, and are recoiling in terror, relax. All you have to do is swear before you say certain words..

“Bob, pass me the %$#@ corn starch, these %$#@@ pantyhose are chafing hell out of me.”

4 thoughts on “Waders, Rod, Reels, flies, check .. foundation?

  1. Inquiring Mind

    On his most recent trip to Lake Manzanita, I was wondering why it took a certain individual so long get his waders on and why he hiked to the bathroom to change. Maybe I have found the answer.

  2. Jean-Paul Lipton

    I second the capilene. Great stuff and you don’t lose any man cards for wearing it. KB, I don’t want to know what you were doing when you were surfing for a male pantyhose site….

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