The Urban Safari next door

Like a trout only smallerAlert to trends in fly fishing, fish, and tackle – we’re just going to have to point the bat at the left field fence, so’s you can flock to the cutting edge…

It’s the next great “Urban Safari” – pools teeming with voracious, predatory fish and only you know about them. It’s light tackle and gossamer tippets, but the best part is it’s next door.

Subprime mortgages and thousands of foreclosed homes means abandoned pools swarming with Mosquito larvae. To combat the potential for West Nile virus outbreaks state agencies are turning to the Mosquitofish to eliminate the threat.

Thousands of swimming pools in Florida and California are being planted to ensure the mosquito population is held in check untilĀ a new owner can assume maintenance.

Located along the delta where the Sacramento River meets the salt waters of the San Francisco Bay area, Contra Costa County’s warm climate makes for prime mosquito country. The area is also struggling with foreclosures. Default notices more than doubled to 4,718 in the first quarter from the previous year, according to the research firm, DataQuick Information Systems.

But like everything else about the housing crisis, the fish aren’t a perfect fix. They baffle some bankers and agents hired by lenders to look after the vacant homes, says Carlos Sanabria, the Contra Costa mosquito control district’s operations manager. “People think some trout-size thing is going to be swimming around in there clogging up the vents,” he says. “I explain it’s not something you are going to have for dinner.”

No better way to meet the new neighbors than slide over the fence in full angling regalia – a new twist on the old “casserole” introduction. We’re predicting a lot of short, 1 and 2 weight rods being sold, so you may want to get yours quickly.

See you in the deep end.

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6 thoughts on “The Urban Safari next door

  1. Igneous Rock

    So…just why did we put Anaconda in your neighbor’s pool again?
    You missed sheriff Tate’s clubbing of two locals for dumping a sofa into the bridge pool of the Lil Stinking. Complete with tears an screams as they hauled it back up the bank! It was a good day on the stream. I caught 2 and he caught 2.

  2. oatka

    Ok, so it’s obvious that a mosquito fly will catch these fish, but don’t rule out the importance of knowing where in the pool to cast. Try yelling out “Marco!” and listening for the fish to reply back “Polo”.

  3. fishhead

    I think you are selling yourselves short here. The Mosquitofish will be the next problem. Enter the Largemouth Bass. Now you’ve got some potential. Throw in a couple lawn chairs, hell the whole chase lounge set for “structure”. Now you can set up a whole new circuit for Bassmasters.

  4. Kbarton10

    Fish – you’re onto something really grand, limitless profit potential and completely ignored by the angling fraternity.

    As it’s a repo there’s little reason to be stingy with the “structure” – we may want to empty the living room into the pool along with the refrigerator. It’ll piss off the snooty spey guys – but they can go jump.

    Oatka – Shhh! If the clients know that fly selection is that simply, they won’t revere us … Leave some shock & awe for them Big City Swells.

  5. fishhead

    Actually, some of the furniture should be held back, but not the good stuff because there will be no high end Bass boats involved and other monied trappings of the “Masters”, this is going to be the “You know your are a Redneck” Tour. These guys want the stuff from the pool room to locate at various strategic points around the pool for fishing “platforms”.
    Think heavy sponsoring by Budweiser and WalMart.

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