What did you think he was looking at?

I can’t believe you fellows are so easily snookered, all you had to do was ask … Singlebarbed as national secret – unlikely, we’re far more comfortable with the “national treasure” label…

He may just be in it for the pictures

Dick Cheney is a latecomer, it was Zsa Zsa Gabor that put us on the map. Our paparazzi are politer than most, hence the Power Elite flock to our pages like .. well .. insects to a windshield.

Must be our humility..

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3 thoughts on “What did you think he was looking at?

  1. Reed


    Given: The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence.

    Therefore, while the naked woman may have been standing in front of a leering Cheney, he was *not looking at her*.

    This means either:

    1/ Cheney is a real fisherman, up to his waist in cold water and blissfully unaware of anything without fins,


    2/ The US just declared another war somewhere…


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