Like all marginal ideas it was ahead of its time

Smoken 'Em Charters In a stunning display of pique the  forces of decency have dealt another blow to angling fantasy.

Singlebarbed has felt the sting of being “unpopular at the pier” but we’ve never been asked to leave the Marina…

Apparently “Smokin ‘Em” Charters  violated the boundaries of good taste by offering offshore trips accompanied by your choice of tanned and topless deckhands.

We had no idea this was going on,” said Dean Kubitschek, manager of the Fort Pierce City Marina. “I can’t have families running up to me with brochures with nude ladies on them saying, ‘What’s this?’ It’s not right.”

Who’s he kidding, the families had been abandoned at Disney World, this fellow was tired of portly middle aged gentlemen hammering on his office door at all times of night.

We have a lot of trips booked and we are looking for some hot chicks to go fishing, no experience needed but you must be HOT in a bikini !!!

Don’t expect too much assistance from them deckhands, as their recruitment of new girls suggests skill with fishing is not required.