The Early Spring "Get out of Jail Free" Card


Gunfire Lake was a coffee colored bust – so I leveraged some of that Internet research and got in tune with my feminine side. The valley next to the lake is famous for it’s spring display of wildflowers, and as I lacked fish porn to display, I’m going to make you suffer along with me.


This is how you get a free fishing trip. Every Spring there’s as much for her to see as there is for you to do, toss in a picnic basket and have a hell of a good time.


Suffered enough yet? On one side of the road was a small trout stream called “Bear Creek” – posted “No Trespassing” along the bulk of the route, but while obeying commandments to stop and admire flowers, I was secretly scoping the creek below.


If you’re good she won’t catch on until later, that “thin blue line” on the map shows promise, especially down on the lower end where the access is legal. We’ve got three more weeks until the Opener, and I’ve got another thumbtack on my adventure map. Fair trade in my book.


..and I like flowers too.

I snuck a shot when she wasn’t looking

My, isn’t the color on that Redbud fetching? (wink)

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2 thoughts on “The Early Spring "Get out of Jail Free" Card

  1. georges

    i love spring time especially ,mother’s day ,and because all the birds are building there nests i feel that the entire universe is happy and i feel that god is among us and spring is a very big sign for reborn.

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