The "Shrek Trout" a merit badge for the adventurous

The Asfar (Yellow) troutAnother exotic venue to add to your list as the rarest of all trout will debut next year in Dubai.  Genetically engineered to thrive in higher water temperatures, the “Asfar Trout” (Yellow Trout) will be featured on the two community islands of The World, and also the freshwater lagoon of the new Dreamworks theme park, which broke ground earlier this year.

Strict angling regulations have been adopted to preserve the resident fish – and “no take” permits are only available to residents of the The World and vacationers staying in the penthouse suite of the theme park hotel.

The product of extensive genetic manipulation, the Asfar Trout gains it’s tolerance for warm water from the “Hamour” – a local grouper found only in salt water. Hamour and Rainbow trout make up the bulk of the genetic variant and tendencies from both species have been noted.

Fisheries biologists are keenly interested as this variant retains some of the migratory instincts of the steelhead trout, yet laboratory tests shows the “Ham-Trout” variant infertile. With ready access to salt water – the real  question is where will it migrate..

“Opening Day” will be April 2009, and if you’re staying at the hotel, you’d be a fool not to take advantage.

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4 thoughts on “The "Shrek Trout" a merit badge for the adventurous

  1. Tom Morgan

    It is always cool to see weird looking fish.I work as a fish monger,and there is a company who selectively breed trout so that you can get almost any colour from the rainbow trout.I have had red and blue-ish in my service case before.

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