Explain "Catch and Release" to the Judge

Do your explaining here It’s absence is glaring and with all the hand wringing over the decline in hunters and fisherman, no mention that less of us may help things, after all, we’re the barbarians putting pressure on declining populations – why no uptick in critters?

Politicians and the Captains of Industry may like our dwindling numbers – as we’re one of those gadfly groups that complain bitterly about exploitation of natural assets, and have upset the applecart on many occasions.

The Eco-fringe has insisted repeatedly that we’re the root of all evils, but they too are silent. Statistics on the decline of licenses have existed for the last decade – and if there’s less of us, why no small restorative effect?

I can only conclude that we’re not the reason for much of this mess, and despite the blood on our hands, we’re among the least offensive of the predatory groups.

We all know our license dollars assist in wildlife management and fund wardens, most of these agencies are “on the ropes” – as their funding has been hammered twice; they’re the first to take cuts in bad economic times, and there’s less of us to make up that gap.

The Fish Geek points out that less of us means less conservation dollars, less restorative projects, and states are scrambling to unlink wildlife budgets from license sales. Gasoline tariffs, sales taxes, and speeding tickets are being contemplated as a replacement.

I’m thinking the silver lining in all this is everyone else that swears we’re beasts now gets to put their money where their mouth’s been.

We’ll still buy our licenses and contribute more than anyone else, but “85 in a 65” means more trout, and that might be worth it.

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