My fillings have been replaced so the ride in should be cake

Planning a quick scout trip tomorrow for smallmouth and largemouth bass, chores are completed so I can raze havoc at the tying bench.

I’m not sure what I’ll find as it’s a new lake and a small feeder creek, can’t fish the creek as it’s closed until April, and the lake is a man made impoundment rumored to have steep banks and unknown water levels.

It’s an adventure, and I crave the exercise so I’ll be traveling light, minimal gear, no food, and boundless enthusiasm.

Scout trips are what my Dad used to call, “Fishless Fishing Trips” – where the “getting out” was the main event, and the “getting bit” was a possibility, albeit slim…

Kokanee Salmon, Eagle Lake Rainbow, Small and Largemouth Bass, Crappie, and Bluegill are all inhabitants – with 10 miles of bumpy dirt road their only protection. The locals call it a “3 beer trip” – meaning, you can drink three beers after you leave pavement – and before you see water.

The Angry Goldfish, Angelina fibers tied Spey style

I banged out a dozen Angelina spey-style streamers and I have plenty of trout stuff, so one fly box will cover me. The above picture is the “Angry Goldfish” one of my favorite scout flies for bass, it’s tied “spey” style using Angelina hackle: 5 turns of Opal, 3 turns of Watermelon, topped with Fuschia and Onyx fibers.

Ought to wake something up…

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2 thoughts on “My fillings have been replaced so the ride in should be cake

  1. Eagle Lake Eddy

    Well, Singlebarbed got me…again.

    After living near for 21 years and fishing – successfully, many times, I might add – Eagle Lake, I was under the apparent misunderstanding that the fishies living there were not rainbow, but rather cutthroat. So when I read this post I was ready to pounce, but decided to do a little homework (a.k.a. quick Google search) and lo and behold…they are NOT cutthroat but rainbow.
    Well, I guess when I was bringing them in their heritage was really not the first thing on my mind! And that was back in the day when the limit was five and 8-10 pounders were not unusual.

  2. KBarton10 Post author

    If’d you’d spent less time windsurfing the lake and more time fishing it, you would have known. Or was it that the “daggerboard” on your surfboard slit all the trout’s throats – hence you saw only Cutthroat?

    How many years did you live there? Shame!

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