It won’t help you catch fish, but it should put a wrench in your Buddy’s fishing

ospreykite Teased unmercifully by an erstwhile pal? Sand kicked in your sandwich by an inebriated yet lucky in-law? Itching for a chance to get even? Just fade back out of eyesight and loose the “Osprey Kite” – guaranteed to put down every feeding fish within a city block.

Especially effective on those “obligatory” trips – where you’re forced to compromise the sanctity of your beloved sport by showing in-laws a good time. If your flies are being pillaged by relatives possessed by the Devil’s Luck, here’s a chance to score some payback, watch gleefully as the river becomes devoid of all life.

An effective tool at clearing your favorite riffle of interlopers, tie it off on a tree branch and return later for a blissful and solitary angling experience.

Will not work on beer drinking teenagers intent on reproduction.

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4 thoughts on “It won’t help you catch fish, but it should put a wrench in your Buddy’s fishing

  1. Izzy Fuzzy

    This possessed relative can READ and cannot believe he is related to you. I didn’t mean to get sand in your Hardy’s drag after I “tipped” your rod in the car door. Geez!

  2. KBarton10 Post author

    Considering the genetic material I had to work with I did pretty good, the same cannot be said of the rest of the brood – all he got was the looks and the brains.

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