I bet Cochise could hang ten, maybe twenty

Surf's Up There are times when I wonder, I suppose it’s proof that I still have a spark of optimism left, at this late stage I assumed it’d been stomped out of me. Surfing in the Arizona desert gives me pause, but so does adding cream and sugar to black coffee…

“…another ambitious project is in the works: A massive new water park that would offer surf-sized waves, snorkeling, scuba diving and kayaking – all in a bone-dry region that gets just 8 inches of rain a year.

“It’s about delivering a sport that’s not typically available in an urban environment,”

No Meathead, it’s about draining Lake Mead for fun and profit. It’s dreadful that folks that don’t live near the Ocean can’t surf, but an ocean of freshwater in the desert?

“I couldn’t imagine raising my kids in an environment where they wouldn’t have the opportunity to grow up being passionate about the same sports that I grew up being passionate about,” he said.

So … move? I’m not sure the business plan will be successful but if he retains the rights to all that groundwater, his kids will be squillionaires.

Throw a couple six pound trout in there and I’ll quit bitching, until the Gila Monster hisses at me from the adjoining shower stall.

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4 thoughts on “I bet Cochise could hang ten, maybe twenty

  1. Pingback: plut0 » I bet Cochise could hang ten, maybe twenty

  2. Salty

    I wouldn’t mind seeing Cochise, Victorio or Geronimo revive and put those developers through some traditional Apache interrogation methods

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