A Mackerel by any other name smells as sour

Nose on a chip I have nothing against Canaries, but they’ll be joining the ranks of the unemployed due to nano-science. It’s bad enough that the television has smiling, well coifed, ersatz people hawking underarm protection – but soon they’ll be hunting fishermen with torches and pitchforks.

Lots of different applications for the Electronic Nose in business, even in Society, but around fishermen these devices will likely achieve nano-overload. We’ll be the “dead spot” in coverage, the metrosexuals will turn surly, and we’ll be shunned as troglodytes.

I lurk on the fringe of society anyway, so no great impact to my social itinerary – you productive types may want to look at a new hobby though.

A couple of months from now and Orvis will debut the “Seersucker Florida Guide Shirt (available in; Sand, Mango, and Peach Blossom), that’ll display an LED on your Louis Vuitton Faux Semblant Rectangle LV Landscape sunglasses, a “pooty” meter, warning you when you’ve reached a socially unacceptable level.

That’ll give you ample time to tell the guide to head for the  barn. I’ll wave, then slide my pram over to your spot – where “Igor” and I will “bust a cap” on your fish.

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