I can’t seem to shake the lyrics from "Georgia on my mind" – wonder why?

Yes, it’s a hauntingly beautiful song that does Ray Charles homage, but I was thinking more the drought angle, if you think the Georgia-Florida-Alabama spat over water was interesting, California may eclipse it fairly quickly.

For the last month we’ve watched thousands of Southern California mansions vanish in a puff of smoke; these are the same folks whose taps will be running dry based on the below:

On Monday, the state Department of Water Resources told the water agencies that serve two-thirds of Californians that they can expect just 25 percent of their normal allocations next year, down from 60 percent this year. Several cities in Southern California have declared water emergencies. The fire danger remains high, as this week’s Malibu fire underscores. Within a few days, a judge’s order that curtails water deliveries to the San Joaquin Valley and Southern California from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to save endangered fish will take effect.

A lot of wealthy, media savvy citizens will be hit with a double dilemma, not enough to drink, and what little that’s left may be needed to douse the flames of next summer. We can expect significant coverage, as these are the moguls of Hollywood, with ready access to actors and the media.

It’s not unexpected, most of Southern California is reclaimed desert, and the cost of maintaining all those swimming pools and acres of lush lawn is about to come due.

Northern California is sparsely populated in comparison, so whatever SoCal wants, SoCal gets – it’s not even close. Naturally the “Governator” will respond promptly, but dams takes years to build, as do Peripheral Canals. I’ll expect many billions in hasty legislation this year, accompanied by little planning and even less environmental impact studies.

Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint…hang in there.


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6 thoughts on “I can’t seem to shake the lyrics from "Georgia on my mind" – wonder why?

  1. Alex

    Maybe, if California allowed illegal immigrants who brought a 1 gallon jug of water over the border with them to become US citizens, just maybe, you’d avoid the crisis.

    Awww, that wouldn’t work. Then you wouldn’t be able to drink the water.

  2. Izzy Fuzzy

    Mudd Ol sport:
    Cities have grown but on average, their water consumption has remained static. New homes use new low consumption appliances…primarily low flush toilets and dishwashers.

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