The Big Payoff, it’s not fame nor money, but it’s also not "shorts and tee shirts" neither

mom I love genius when I see it, and as I see so little in my work I have to live vicariously through others. This time it’s the Daytripper blog as he surfaces the obligatory Christmas list to friends and family – not really a list, but it’s the one thing he could really use …you listening Daytripper Ma?

Christmas is coming whether we like it or not, and everyone’s Ma is arming themselves with the soap onna rope, shorts and tee shirts, cologne that smells like a service station bathroom, and all forms of fattening edibles that you’re obligated to like, no exception.

Friend Daytripper is smarter than the rest of us, as he’s announced to his family what he needs, and if it don’t show he’ll retain the moral high ground with, “ mean you don’t read all the stuff I write?”  His Ma is doomed.

Not too late to start your own blog, save yourself while you still can…

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