A female President may be the start of a long term trend

tarzan_and_the_amazons It’s the classic case of Good News and Bad News, maybe…

It’s all still theoretical but evidence is mounting that women will take over the world shortly, I’m not sure which news that is, but scientists are beginning to scratch their collective chins over the subject.

Half as many boys as girls are being born in some places around the world—and pollution is the prime suspect.

Guys have had ample opportunity to save the world, history would suggest their track record isn’t so good. We had fun shooting the place up, stomping the guts out of anyone smaller than us, and pissing on the remainder – maybe it’s time we took a window seat and let the gals fight over us for a change?

Studies of the effects of Estrogen in urban wastewater have determined that it can affect sex characteristics in fish populations, and that male fish are more susceptible to estrogen pollutants than female fish.

While not specifically tied together all of the data suggests men are more susceptible to a pollution cocktail then women, as a result we can expect less of us.

The angling industry will be the last to know, but the fantasy of meeting Miss Right while arse deep in a river, is mathematically more likely. I’ll overlook the reality that they won’t like fat old guys, but it’s a brief ray of sunlight for the rest of you young pricks angling fraternity.

The question remains unanswered, is this caused by our wallowing  in pollution daily, while the Missus looks on, alternately crinkling her nose or offering encouragement? Next time the toilet overflows, hand her the plunger – the life you save may be your own.

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4 thoughts on “A female President may be the start of a long term trend

  1. Marshall

    Thanks for so many funny articles. If laughter is good for the soul, I got about 20 years worth this morning. Singlebarbed, I love your writing style. Keep those articles coming.

  2. The Chile Doctor


    Tom C said I should stop by, and he’s right. You’ve got way more better stuff on your site, like women and all.

    This “trend” is only disturbing to the (more outnumbered) women, of course. Did you see where similar studies show that these women are also more aggressive? Why, just this morning, my spouse got up at 4 AM and took all the weapons, er, credit cards out to go kill something at the local malls. I’m sure she’ll also collect a fair sample of scalps and such as she maneuvers for the coup de grace.

    I realize it’s too late for us, but the next generation will have that teenage male fantasy to live through: More women than you can shake a stick at, all fighting for the remaining few males!

    Mitch, aka The Chile Doctor

  3. KBarton10 Post author

    Is it “Chile Doctor” as you were required to amputate TC’s maimed finger? He mentioned the culprit as Chile Verde – can I assume he’s still hunting you?

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