Little Stinking succumbs to Intense overfishing

I’m practicing my “good old days” geezer speech, as I encountered something never seen before, another angler dipped in effluent. Two actually, and these fellows taught me an important lesson.

You remember the line your Poppa told you, “..any fool can be uncomfortable?”

I watched in awe as the first spin fisherman reaches underwater for a decaying chair, parks his rear in it, and begins sweeping the area with lures. Him and the chair move downstream where the scene is repeated numerous times.

Yep, that's a chair he's holding - I am jealous

Naturally, I’m thinking of the “greased bowling balls” that most of my trout streams are layered in – to hell with expensive felt soles, I just need a lawn chair.

I managed to beat the pair of them to the couch in midstream, feigning a midday nap, I had to let them know I was no beginner either…

It’s official, the Little Stinking takes its rightful place among the “Choc-Streams” that are officially on the decline, succumbing to overfishing and intense angling pressure.

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1 thought on “Little Stinking succumbs to Intense overfishing

  1. TCWriter

    You have only yourself to blame. The International reach of Singlebarbed is turning anglers onto both brownlining and lawn furniture.

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