Maybe I was a tad hasty leaving the Cell Phone in the car

sonar Cell phones are like credit cards, loyalty lasts as long as the bonus reward, by then some canny competitor has a cheaper plan and a new gadget that goes with it.

While all eyes are on the Trout Underground to come up with next year’s “must have” angling gadget, we’re quietly going to lay some smack down, I didn’t get any free beer or sore feet, I just found the glaring weakness in your wardrobe…

Sonar for your cell phone.

SK, South Korea’s largest telecom provider began selling a waterproof transmitter when attached to a  fishing line, will send signals of fish density back to your cellular earpiece.

Now you can march confidently up to streamside, throw one cast and  begin the “Hunt for Red October”. The article fails to mention whether the device is wireless, otherwise you’ll throw one cast and spend the next two hours untangling the transmitter from the fly line, it’s certain I will..

One Hundred bucks, software to display where the fish are on the cell phone is five bucks additional. Brownliner’s are out of luck as the sonar is absorbed by sunken tires, lawnmower engines, and toilet paper, we’ll have to stick to the low tech method of throwing rocks. Tags: , ,