Flavored Head Cement Joins Other Really Good Ideas ahead of their time

Great Ideas are always resisted I was embroiled in the patent research for my salty-sweet lard enhanced head cement, and stumbled across numerous fly fishing patents.

A live bait hook for dry fly anglers is the first of many really stunning ideas, but it would be wise to know which bugs had stingers before reaching for that big wasp pictured in the patent illustration.

I can only assume a fly box patent is forthcoming from the same fellow, as traditional boxes would make winged critters very smashed.

Another “must have” is the fishing blow gun, slap a Pheasant tail into the breach and blow it into the feeding lane. Every fisherman I’ve met is a blowhard gifted with extraordinary lung capacity, I can’t see why this isn’t a million seller.

The float tube urinal is way overdue, but I was hoping we would get NASA astronaut underwear, I hear they don’t chafe much. Unrelated to the urinal is the float tube propulsion system, featuring a large car battery attached to your leg. I sure hope that lanyard severs easily, otherwise you are anchored to the lake floor quite securely.

Moot testimony to angling genius – these gentlemen walked the path less traveled, and were driven from the sport by villagers with torches and pitchforks.

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