Half of Maine to make Washington DC Carbon Neutral

Sin and RedemptionWe’ve overcome our fear of lightning a long time ago, hence we are content to poke a tiger through the cage.

The Vatican is planting a forest to make themselves the first carbon-neutral country in the world. Based on events past and present that had better be a really big forest – as much hot air comes from the Holy See.

No, I’m not picking on Catholics, I am wondering what the appropriate forest size is for all them folks that occupy the Beltway in Washington.

The young trees, on a 15-hectare, or 37-acre, tract of land that will be renamed the Vatican Climate Forest, will in theory absorb as much carbon dioxide as the Vatican makes through its various activities in 2007: driving cars, heating offices, lighting St. Peter’s Basilica at night.

37 acres for a 0.2 square mile city, implies Washington DC requires a mere 80,000 acres of forest needed. This being close to an election year we better quadruple  that, just to be safe.

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